In the News! Suzanne Hollander, real estate attorney, broker and commentator helps people make important real estate connections! Scroll down to see what people are saying about Suzanne and see photos! Connections are important in business! To make connections, and buy & sell real estate contact Suzanne! A BIG Thank You to all who participated 🙂
Professor Real Estate® Suzanne Hollander is a real estate attorney, broker, educator and commentator and voice for real estate, housing and property rights, frequently quoted in the media, including Wall St. Journal Money Watch, YahooFinance!, Miami Herald, El Nuevo Herald, Wallethub, The Real Deal, Mercado De Dinero USA & Scotsman Guide Commercial Real Estate edition.
Professor Real Estate® Suzanne Hollander provides real estate education to the nation to help everyone make smarter real estate decisions.
Watch Professor Real Estate®TV for a sneak peek real estate lessons!
To buy or lease property in Florida or Maryland contact Suzanne Hollander. She is a licensed Real Estate Broker in Miami, Florida with Hollander Realty LLC and a licensed Real Estate Sales person in Maryland with EKB Realty.
Contact Professor Real Estate® Suzanne Hollander for real estate advisory services, coaching and empowerment. She motivated and empowered 1,000s of clients, students and followers and she can help you meet your real estate goals!
Disclaimer: Professor Real Estate® written materials apply generally to real estate subjects and are not intended to apply to specific legal issues. Copyright 2016. Professor Real Estate® Suzanne Hollander
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