Women’s Investment Advocate

Contact Suzanne for women’s financial empowerment and training. Suzanne believes early and frequent financial education is the foundation to building wealth for women. She will design a training to fit your audience whether young girls, students or adult women wanting to create their financial independence.

Suzanne is internationally recognized for her work advancing women in real estate careers and investment. In 2019, Globestreet Honored Suzanne as a Woman of Influence in Commercial Real Estate Mentor Category. In 2018, Suzanne Hollander won the Global Impact Award from Commercial Real Estate Women Network, a 12,000 member professional association. Suzanne serves on the National Diversity & Inclusion Task Force of Commercial Real Estate Women. She is a member of 100 Women in Finance and the National Women’s Commercial Real Estate Investment Consortium. Suzanne’s comments on financial and career empowerment for women and girls are in the national media.

A woman standing in front of the water.
Last week, NAR, America's largest trade organization representing over 1.5 million members, appointed Suzanne Hollander to participate in its national focus group with the goals of promoting women in commercial real estate.... As the only focus group appointee from Florida, Suzanne is proud to share her experiences in commercial real estate in Miami and Florida.  Suzanne's representation of Florida is significant because Florida is the state with the most NAR members in the nation.  According to NAR data, as of February 29, 2024 Florida has 218,605, NAR members
Two women standing next to each other in a room.
Professor Real Estate® Suzanne Hollander celebrates Women beside Miami Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. Professor Real Estate®' Suzanne Hollander's 8 actions to Celebrate Women 1.   Promote Women to Visible Senior Leadership Roles 2.   Include Women as Leaders, Speakers on Industry Panels 3.   Empower Women to be Life Long Learners, Always Adding New Skills to Their Tool Box 4.  Include Women in Deals 5.  Include Womens' Perspectives in News/Media regarding their industry, profession and experience 6.  Celebrate Womens' Achievements 7.  Institute Pay Equity 8.  Appoint Women to Corporate Boards
A house with a sign that says how to buy a house at auction.
Buying a home at auction can yield a great bargain — if you do your homework and can withstand the risks. “You need to know how to research the title [and] make sure you are buying a first position lien, not a second position lien that could be wiped out,” Suzanne Hollander, an attorney and real estate professor at Florida International University in Miami. says. “Understand your obligations to pay cash and when, and realize there are many risks involved.”
A group of people sitting on top of a bench.
Professor Suzanne Hollander and Ronald McDonald House Executive Director Soraya Rivera Moya explain the unique public-private financing structure of the new project: “Jackson Memorial is a public hospital, and the location for the new building is leased to RMHC by Miami-Dade County for the mere cost of $1 per year for a duration of fifty years. The $25 million will be raised through local fundraising initiatives and new market tax credit funds, which are forgivable loans granted by the federal government.” Hollander points out that “in Miami, a city with a booming real estate market full of luxury condos and hotels, the Ronald McDonald House development project really stands as unique three reasons, it is (1) a multi-million-dollar woman led development project; (2) for a charitable purpose to help families in need with sick children and (3) being built on government owned land.”
A group of people sitting around a table.
”Professor Hollander highlighted to Commissioner Covo that the City of Miami owns a real estate portfolio that ballooned in value to over an estimated over $17 Billion USD. The largest percentage of the value of City owned properties is located in District 2, many on long term leases (50–99 years)…From the LOFT 2 rooftop she pointed out to the various City assets and noted: “It is important to remember the City has a duty to act as a steward and fiduciary to operate these City owned assets professionally by best-in-class real estate standards to preserve their value and physical structure for generations to come.”
A picture of an article about shopping centers.
Shopping Centers in Latin America Offer Customers “Happiness in this Life†and […]
A woman standing next to another woman in sunglasses.
Suzanne Hollander’s trip to the five countries, which have a combined population of 320 million, took her to visit mall owners and managers, tenant brokers, real estate attorneys...In Brazil, Chile and Peru, where riots, political unrest and the rise of socialism have become increasingly common and make headline news, she said. “The malls are democracy in action. Everyone, no matter their social or economic class, is welcome. This is not found in other places in these countries.” There’s an unwritten rule there that the mall is sacrosanct.
A picture of a house with the words " 2 0 2 3 first-quarter housing trends ".
Suzanne Hollander, a real estate professor at Florida International University, advises sellers to be realistic: “Get real about pricing and ask yourself, if you sell your home and need a loan to finance the purchase of a next home, will you be able to afford the new interest rate? It may make more sense for you to stay put until rates go down, but you must weigh this decision against prices possibly reducing.”
A mortgage rate forecast for january 2 0 2 1 : rates could yo yo
Suzanne Hollander, a real estate law professor at Florida International University, is surprised that the rapid increase in rates has not yet translated into reduced home prices across the U.S. “During the 1970s and 1980s when interest rates were high, prices were low. Buying now with high rates and high prices at the same time creates a very high monthly cost for borrowers to carry,” she points out.
A woman standing in front of a building.
Women like Suzanne Hollander are mirrors in which we can see our professional aspirations reflected. And featuring her couldn't be more appropriate as we celebrate International Women's Month. Or, in the words of the late Charles Aznavour" Women of today, teach us what to say!"
A woman standing in front of an image.
Please give a warm welcome to our 2021 Board as Education Director, Suzanne Hollander. Suzanne is a real estate attorney, speaker, broker, professor and voice for property rights, real estate, housing infrastructure development.
A screenshot of the article on williams and brown.
“Residential real estate, Hollander said, has a greater obligation to put women in executive positions due to the sheer number of female professionals. In corporate America there is an old boys club, but we shouldn’t have that in an industry that is 64% women,” Hollander said.
A phone and keyboard next to a video of a city.
Women don't have to wait for milestones, to start investing in property and investing in themselves. I started as a traditional real estate attorney, Miami is a real estate town. The risks I took (1) get out of the law firm (2) get my "feet on the street" working for a real estate developer (3) working with an investor buying distress property out of foreclosure in 2009/2010 and (4) teaching around the world. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and the private property protections in its fifth and fourteenth amendments that are enforced and upheld by the U.S. judicial and police system....
A view of some buildings and trees from the water.
According to Coastal Risk CEO Albert Slap: “Achieving a more resilient society will require a new economic paradigm that properly accounts for and prices into investments and lending both property and community-level risks. Professor Hollander’s thought leadership in commercial real estate will be extremely useful to the development of this new paradigm." Professor Hollander added: “.An investigation to quantify the dollar amount of the environmental and climate risk is an essential part of due diligence for every party with an interest in real property, including mortgage lenders, property investors (from home buyers to Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) owning a portfolio of properties) ...
A woman standing in front of a window with a city skyline behind her.
You can do it! The journey of one million miles begins with one step. Step by step, build yourself into the person you want to be by deliberately choosing experiences that challenge you, move you out of your comfort zone and help you achieve heights you never thought possible.
A picture of a person on the fiu news website.
Hollander.... feels that the award serves a deeper purpose. “For many of my students, I’m the only woman professor they have in real estate or the only woman lawyer they’ve ever met," Hollander says. Awards are not meant to be put on the mantle. They’re meant to be put to work. When I’m recognized, it shows other women that careers in real estate, finance and law are possible.”

A news article about the speaker at u. S. State department 's weamericas initiative
“I’ve been teaching around the world, and what I’ve come to learn is that law and property rights are such powerful mechanisms to help give people freedom. Women need to have property rights and access to safe secure housing in order to have equality and options to advance.” said Suzanne Hollander an invited speaker to the U.S State Department's WeAmericas Initiative
A group of people sitting in chairs with a building behind them.
Gracias, Thank you to My “Personal Board of Directors” whose belief in me inspired me to take chances to grow and achieve goals I never thought possible in 2020. ..Last month, I spoke on "How To Build Your Own Personal Board of Directors" to the United States Department of State WeAmericas ..."Personal Board of Directors” is a term I use to describe people who are close and important to me.....May you create your Own Personal Board of Directors for 2021 to help you have a Happier New Year!
A picture of a house with the caption " relearning the market ".
In a market like this one, commercial mortgage brokers can expect to be called upon for advice and information. And yet many newer real estate finance professionals are experiencing a bear market for the first time. In a sense, the entire industry needs to relearn concepts and terms of a decade ago, when distressed properties were common and the commercial real estate market was facing a credit crisis during the Great Recession.
A slide that reads " fiu advance women, equity & diversity."
  Click below to Watch Suzanne Hollander Speak at Bacardi Women in […]
A black and white image of ruth bader ginsburg.
“How will I choose to spend the years of my life?” I think about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s impact during her 87 years of life and ask myself this question. You, like me, can choose how to make an impact, when to speak up, dissent, stand up and how your actions or inactions will be remembered....I see the transformative power of teaching. Teaching is the way to plant a seed to make people learn and care about issues and each other, to take a stand and steps to improve their futures and others
A speaker for urban land institute 's women 's leadership initiative speaks up

Hollander opened the presentation with the Maya Angelo quote “each time a woman stands up for herself she stands up for all women.” Most women face a time in their careers when, due to their gender, they’re harassed, evaluated unfairly, or excluded from conversations. For example, the wage gap between men and women in commercial real estate has widened over the past five years, leaving women at all levels underpaid, underrepresented and increasingly unsatisfied with their careers in 2020, according to a new benchmark study report by the Commercial Real Estate Women Network.

Hollander pointed that critical times to stand up for oneself and other women are during promotion, hiring, compensation discussions, appointment to corporate boards, leadership and senior positions of authority and selecting panelists for presentations.

A newsletter with an image of a woman and some question marks.
Now more than ever, sharing good news is a way to turn your quarantine time into Quarantine Quality Time. Last week,Suzanne Hollander was invited by Commercial Real Estate Women Miami to Speak about 5 Reasons to share your Good News Now!
A picture of two people with the words professor real estate interview series.
Property Management is an “Essential Industry.” No matter what is happening in the external environment Property Management continues. This is true today during the COVID 19 pandemic as it was true during the Housing Crisis in 2008
A woman looking out the window of her home.
"Women today feel more empowered to enter into business areas traditionally known as male bastions. And businesses today are making it a core value to promote women to visible senior leadership positions and appoint them to corporate boards. People in senior leadership roles and on corporate boards are, for example, often invited to join a commercial real estate syndication deal," says Hollander.
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